A relic of an old regime ago
It lies deteriorating still
A legacy to concealed cruelty
Not a correctional facility
But of political euthanization
Within its dank confining walls
Amidst narrowed unlit corridors
And cells cramped, condemned
Paint fades, flakes off and fails
Like a silent stilled wintery night
What rays of hope yellowed now
Affixed to common area walls
Partitions of a world outside
That engulf man's fortress isle
Few are aware of their lethal plight
The sounds of gunfire, no longer
Yet their echoes faint can be heard
Their graves lost in mortal ablation
Crimes that necessitate yet more
Hope finding a final lethal discord
Truth can be misplaced a while
But in the end its face awakens
But men turn away unable to see
And the guilt given to prisoners
Is bound to those who knew well
Their voices are gone, spirits too
But in there an essence lies still
That carries in itself desperation
Shot and lost forever maligned
A cold, dark, hell on earth e'er lost
Engrained with its edifice, souls
Their trail to their end of torment
Mixed within the mortar spalling
That fills the air intensely thick
Ceasing only in its destruction