The wind woman
She that sings the wind
Comes in the form of a lament
Flying solitude
Your motion
Brings to Earth a breath
That the world is thirsty
The murmur of the heart
By the edges
Sings through all the crannies
And in the leaves of the forests
That seek the sunlight
Lives hidden
It's the promised princess
But by karma it is contained
In the precious fate of singing
It sings in the sails
On the tides of the caravels
And in the messages of those
Who wait for the sea
It is a prisoner
To sing all night
And to light the fire
That warms the night in the moonlight
And so singing
The wind woman is giving
A clear and fine sense
to yield your life
And if I say
Who would dare choose
The wind of this woman
who was born to sing
And if I say
Who would dare choose
The wind of this woman
who was born to sing