It'll be difficult to grow up
before you grow up too
you will ask all those questions
I will pretend to know more
It'll be difficult
but it'll be as it should be
I'll set aside games
try growing up
It'll be difficult to apologize
for a world that is what it is
in my own small way I'll try
but changing things is difficult
It'll be difficult to
wish you so many happy birthdays
when with each one
you go a little farther away from me.
Your way
you'll go your way
you'll walk and fall, you'll get up
always your way
Your way
you'll see your way
you'll sway, jump, and sing
always your way
It'll be difficult to see you go 1
on the roads you'll take
all of the traffic lights
all of the bans
all of the lanes you'll avoid
It'll be difficult
while slowly you'll go farther away
to search alone for
what you'll be
Your way
you'll go your way
you'll walk and fall, you'll get up
always your way
Your way
you'll see your way
you'll sway, jump, and sing
always your way
It'll be difficult
to leave you to the world
and keep a small part of you all to myself
and in the middle
of your dance 2
be unable to protect you
It'll be difficult
but it'll be way too easy
while you turn
and continue to laugh
Your way
you'll go your way
you'll walk and fall, you'll get up
always your way
Your way
you'll see your way
you'll sway, jump, and sing
always your way
1. “Sarà difficile vederti da dietro” means “it will be difficult to look at you from behind”. She is looking forward towards her daughter future.2. "Girotondo " is actually a game similar to "Ring Around the Rosie," I translated "dance" to keep it short, but provide an image.