Did you use to wear boots,
or jeans,
or did you use to love
your black sweaters?
Did you use to roam around at night
Did you use to eat ready made food?
I forgot.
Did you use to make blunders
or did you use to break hearts?
Did you use to throw rocks
or did you use to hunt birds?
Were you thoughtful or
I forgot.
Who died of telling lies anyway right!
Who ever changed their life styles.
Who held their hands?
Look actually
I'm not fine at all.
I wish I could just die and get riddance.
It's like I'm a sinister unlucky cat.
My love, look at me!
My love, I'm gonna cry.
Think of me when you're sleeping and when you're awake too. There's no way in the world you'd do that.
I bought heavy shoes, I didn't wear them once.
I gained weight, you didn't notice.
I asked, you didn't answer.
You became greek to me.
Then we became strangers.
Possibly, you didn't love me.
Where is the man who is saving the world?