How many words are there in the sentence
We throw it at each other's face
How many flowers are there in the vase
To heal the wound
How many battles, one too many,
How many hubristic egos
We are two real idiots
For each time we leave each other
We end up coming back to each other one day
Every time we let go of each other
We end up holding each other one day
Which just goes to show we'd better take
Life as it comes
It hurts and it doesn't matter
How many words that hurt
And inappropriate gestures
How many mistakes, how much dirty laundry,
How many pieces to the puzzle
How many useless wars
Do we still have to declare
We are two fools
For each time we leave each other
We end up coming back to each other one day
Every time we let go of each other
We end up holding each other one day
Which just goes to show we'd better take
Life as it comes
It hurts and it doesn't matter
It doesn't matter
Each time we leave each other
We end up coming back to each other
Each time we forget
We end up remembering one day
Each time we let go of each other
We end up holding each other
Which goes to show we'd better
Take life as it comes
It hurts and it doesn't matter
It hurts and it doesn't matter
It hurts and it doesn't matter