Looking over through the window, I see the empty plaza.
Only the wind, who is bored, moves some dry leaves.
There are no songs, lights nor children; it's just like any night.
Who are we trying to fool if this doesn't even seem like Christmas Eve?
I look at the sky and, annoyed, I demand an explanation
but all my words turn into vapour.
I'm cold, I feel anger and I slam the window shut,
and that's when I see your reflected eyes.
And suddenly, what a fool, I understand it,
on this side of the glass is everything I want.
If we can embrace each other, the rest can wait.
Isn't that a good reason to celebrate?
And then I dry my eyes
and I sit next to you on our sofa.
I slowly lean my head on your shoulder
and I hear myself telling you out loud, 'Merry Christmas'.