That day he returned home
more soon as he had almost done not anymore
he looked at her in a very different way
as he had almost used not anymore.
And he did not talk about the salary increase anymore,
that was the only argument of his speeches.
With a strange tenderness and a little
bitterness he said: "'Let's go out, shall you?".
And then she made herself as beautiful as the
day she fell in love with him.
She searched that blouse which he gave her,
in the bottom of a drawer.
And he held her by the hand like the
he kept long time ago. As a
boy and girl , they went down to the
square and they began to dance.
And at the sound of their dance, the
sleeping neighborhood appeared, and
people went down into the dark square, and a lot
of persons swore that it brightened. And
there were stolen kisses and suffocated shouts,
that no one choked. That the world
made his own, then the dawn came in peace...