Hey play me that song in the evenings
which used to make me fall asleep as a child,
I already forgot it.
Teach me to do the thing
I never dare to do,
me to kiss you.
Bring me that small child
who'd tell me what's important,
I can't see it myself.
Teach me the game
that we used to play in the yard as kids.
Drew pictures on our backs.
Take me back to the concrete city
the one which shadows we used to disappear.
Drown me into your night blue eyes,
to the salty teardrops of the giant.
Make the clocks stop at that moment
when I surrended myself to you,
forever I am yours.
Take me where (a long time ago)
the lost evenfall covered
my snowy child-like face
Take me back to the concrete city
the one which shadows we used to disappear.
Drown me into your night blue eyes,
to the tear drops of the giant.
Take me back to the first snow of my childhood,
to the lengthening shadows of autumn.
Teach me how to believe in miracles,
in the whispers of the kids of our humanity.