I don't know why, but baby, I can't stand still 1
I hang around, but believe me, I see you suffering
I know that you wanna go home with me
I know that you're longing for a break
I don't know why, but something pulls me in front of the door
It won't let me go, I constantly need to get away from here
And how can I prove it to you?
I come back, I fly in circles
When I take off again, then
does everything first become loud and later light blue
When I take off again
Like a 747
I need to fly, fly, fly
Over mountains, over the ocean
Three thousand feet and higher
Like a 747
I need to fly, fly, fly
Through the clouds, through the storm
In between, I kiss the ground
I don't know where, but it doesn't matter
I love the journey
And is that not the meaning? To know how it tastes, this life
With all its neon-bright colours
With all its light and dark days
I don't know when yet, but I'll come home one day
And believe me, Baby I'll be happy then
With all the places in my head then
As my last stop, I'll fly to you
When I take off again, then
does everything first become loud and later light blue
When I take off again
Like a 747
I need to fly, fly, fly
Over mountains, over the ocean
Three thousand feet and higher
Like a 747
I need to fly, fly, fly
Through the cloud, through the storm
In between, I kiss the ground, ey
Like a 747
I need to fly, fly, fly
Over mountains, over the ocean
Three thousand feet and higher
Like a 747
I need to fly, fly, fly
Through the cloud, through the storm
In between, I kiss the ground, ey
1. "Stehen bleiben" is a little tricky to translate, it can also be "to stop". In the context and in tune with the airplane metaphor, Forster means to say that he can't remain grounded