Now my life has gained its meaning
Since these sinful eyes behold
The sacred land with meadows greening
Whose renown was often told.
This was granted me from God:
To see the land, the holy sod,
Which in human form He trod.
Splendid lands of wealth and power,
I’ve seen many, far and near,
Yet of all are you the flower.
What a wonder happened here!
That a maid a child should bear,
Lord of all the angels fair,
Was not this a wonder rare?
Here was He baptized, the Holy,
That all people might be pure.
Here He died, betrayed and lowly,
That our bonds should not endure.
Else our fate had been severe.
Hail, O cross, o thorns and spear!
Heathens, woe! Your rage is clear.
At the most compass'nate hour
'Tis the place that he was slain
The all splendrous in his power
Gave himself up for our gain
To buy out our misery
What astounding prodigy
None alike shall ever be
Thence to hell the son descended
From the grave in which he lay
By the father still attended
And the spirits ineffable name
Like one bolt cut from one tree
Three in one and one are three
Thus did Abraham once see
When He thence defeated Satan,
Ne’er has kaiser battled so,
He returned, our ways to straighten.
Then the Jews had fear and woe:
Watch and stone were both in vain,
He appeared in life again,
Whom their hands had struck and slain.
Forty days again he wandered
And was seen all through the land
Thus he rose but left, oh wonder
His good ghost, protector, friend
He at once us sent back down
Bless'd shall be this land and town
His illustrous name reknown
To this land, so He has spoken,
Shall a fearful judgment come.
Widows’ bonds shall then be broken
And the orphans’ foe be dumb,
And the poor no longer cower
Under sad misuse of power.
Woe to sinners in that hour!
Verdicts of all earthly trial
Shall spare none of accusation
In his hour due judgment's vial
At last day's annunciation
Oh how great one's blame shall be
Evry soul shall bow the knee
Without pledge or guarantee
Christians, heathen, Jews, contending,
Claim it as a legacy.
May God judge with grace unending
Through his blessed Trinity.
Strife is heard on every hand:
Ours the only just demand,
He will have us rule the land.
Now do not ignore i beg you
All the things ye heard me say
I'll expound at last the matter
Then ye shall be on your way
All great deeds of awe and fear
That have ever come to ear
They began and end right here