On the eighth day, after so much work, God
After reviewing everything and to release some tension
Said "Everything is alright, it's time to rest"
And then he decided to take a stroll along the sidereal space
Who would have thought that God himself found that everything
Had been thrown into an infernal chaos when he came back
And that He would become just another figure of the
Unemployment rate that every year increases non-stop
Since then there are people who have seen Him
Walking alone in the streets
He is waiting patiently for someone
With whom He can talk in a peaceful way
Meanwhile the world keeps spinning and spinning
Nothing can stop it
And down here a minority uses us
As if we were chess pieces
I'm not the kind of idiot
That allows herself to be convinced
But I'm telling the truth
And even the blind can see it
In case that, be it because of the lack of occupation
Or because of the extreme loneliness,
God couldn't stand this anymore
And left for another place
It would be our doom
We wouldn't have other choice than
To adore Michael Jackson or
Bill Clinton or maybe Tarzan
It's harder to be a king with no crown
Than a normal person
Poor God! He never appears in magazines
Neither is He a model nor an artist
Nor does He descends from a royal family