For the will of the people,
And for the health of the progress,
Fill up your heart with rebel wine,
And till tomorrow faithful friend,
If the beating of your heart
Is as strong as the beating drums,
It means that hope still does exist
For the average man.
We will build a barricade,
The symbol of a new era which dawns,
We leave on a crusade
To the heart of the land of France.
We are henceforth
Soldiers of an army that will advance!
For the will of the people,
And for the health of the progress,
Fill up your heart with rebel wine,
And till tomorrow faithful friend,
If the beating of your heart
Is as strong as the beating drums,
It means that hope still does exist
For the average man.
For the will of the people,
I am ready to give my will as well,
If some must die for it,
Then I want to be the first
The first name engraved
Upon the marble monument of hope!
For the will of the people,
And for the health of the progress,
Fill up your heart with rebel wine,
And till tomorrow faithful friend,
If the beating of your heart
Is as strong as the beating drums,
It means that hope still does exist
For the average man.
Liberty! Equality! Fraternity!