From pier was fishing Apostle Andrew
And the Jesus was walking the lake.
Apostle Andrew pulled some fish as his loot
And the Saviour - some drowning men.
And Andrew cried a plea:
"I'll be walking with thee
If you tell me the secret of yours!"
And the Saviour replied:
"No problems, Andrew,
There's no any secret at all!
Do you see up the hill
Looms a big wooden cross?
A dozen of Romans stand by,
Let them nail you to timber!
And when you will get bored
Then return to the shore
And you'll walk on water
You'll walk on water
You'll walk on water with me".
"But my Master,
That soldiers are scary to death,
There's a raven that flies over cross!
Have a pity on fool,
Tell the secret in full,
Crucifixtion lets be other day!"
And the Saviour grew numb
And with splash did he stomp
By the lake's water mirror with foot.
"You indeed are a fool!"
And Andrew in a woe
Returned to his hut with his catch.