Is there love at first glance?
The answer is: Yes!
Why do I fall silent;
Were you my road to happiness?
How come I'm not following?
Why am I not saying anything?
Are the colors in your dream...
When you sleep,
Do you think of me?
Why didn't I say...
That I want everything,
And give you much more?
Two seconds short of luck
Turn the film back once again
Pause time for now
Start from the beginning
Only two seconds return
Is there a love that lasts a lifetime?
Is there an eternity,
which holds us to yearn?
Will the fire keep us warm
Should night fall,
And grows colder?
When the world revolves too quickly
Will you be with me?
Don't ever leave me alone
Even now, do you think of me?
Are you searching as I do?
Tell (me), are you there?
Two seconds short of luck
Turn the film back once again
Pause time for now
Begin from the start
Only two seconds return.