(Oh boy!)
It's Aykut Anham 1 - Hermann-Steinhäuser-Street, Mainpark 2
Abdel Kazim - deported from Germany while still young
I salute my brother Florofff - wearing a Dutch jersey on his Nitro scooter
Bilal Larur aka the dealer, Baba Nouga
Palastin Ibo with 21 siblings
Huge family cho 3
My brother Kubilay, day and night on the move, brother since day 1
I salute Azidin - his apartment as our base and bunker for hashish sticks
Greetings to Beetz and Bergefeld
Criminal in the past, today Jaguar XJL 4
Offenbach stays hard 5
Hermann-Steinhäuser-Street, Mainpark, chab 6
Forever Nordend 7, Goetzeplatz, Büsing-Park
Brother, this place is burning 8
Lauterborn hardcore 9
Wogs near Sparkasse Richard-Wagner 10
Don't dare coming to Neusalzer 11
Your ass is fucked hard, up in Falkenheim 12
1. Haftbefehl's real name 2. He grew up in Mainpark, a troubled neighbourhood 3. cho is Arabian for brother 4. Haftbefehl greets his friends of his youth. Beetz and Bergefeld might be two policemen he might have encountered in his youth though sinde they are the only two German names here also while stressing his criminal past and his success today 5. Offenbach is the city Haftbefehl is from 6. Chab is Romany for boy 7. Nordend is the Northern part of Offenbach 8. Büsing-Park is a place known for drug-trade - and there is also a yearly event where they light 60,000 to 70,000 candles 9. Lauterborn is another troubled neighbourhood in Offenbach 10. Sparkasse is a German bank. Haftbefehl mentions the Sparkasse on Richard-Wagner (-Street) in Offenbach. 11. Neusalzer-Street 12. Youth centre