They say that soon, if God doesn't intercede,
women will have to go to war.
And me as a caution measure
I'm already organizing my battalion
Seamstress battalion
of the most beautiful
and merriest ones
that walk by Madrid.
We're already learning
the instruction with excitement,
wishing they appreciate
our elegance over there.
One, two, three, here we go.
One, two, three, here we go.
The fiercest enemy will come undone.
We're decided to do our best.
And the same a soldier and a general
will prefer to give up rather than fighting.
Men are with us
very swaggering in peace time
and they have us dominated
without letting us complain.
But when they see us
decided to fight
with the mothers in law on front,
they won't stop running.
There are very rogue boys who offer
the ladies to follow us behind
But we agreed by voting
that if they go in front, it will be better.