Stories of distant time
Intricately entwine
"Now" and "back then" are no longer apart
Tell me a blatant lie
Sing me a lullaby
Tell me there's nothing to worry about
Silently, silently, giant merry-go-round
Slowly revolves in eternal woe
I can't see what's inside
You can't see what's outside
Even though we're on the same side of the wall
Ell'to denne
Atin alesai
Sidlos nnatwit sa
Hieru ell'to
Have you seen the stars so pretty?
Have you ever felt such love and warmth?
Artificial snow globe city
Don't pretend to understand how it works
Stories of distant time
Intricately entwine
Something that maybe we all used to know
Don't let me fall asleep
Don't let me lose a grip
Don't let my memories be powdered with snow
One-two-three, one-two-three,
We're waltzing awkwardly
Closer and closer to our end
Hoping we won't forget
Hoping we won't regret
Cherishing dreams of a distant promised land
Ell'to denne
Atin nisraittu
U takhetämem
Kotä ä daia
Have you seen the stars so pretty?
Have you ever felt such love and warmth?
Artificial snow globe city
Don't pretend to understand how it works
Stories of distant times
Weaved out of cruel lies
So let them die, let them burn, let them drown
Stay with me, hold my hand
Tell me it's not the end
I am so scared I'm about to break down
Whispering, withering
Crawling and slithering
Something that nobody can explain
When we wake up again
If we wake up again
Maybe there will be no more pain
Have you seen the stars so pretty?
Have you ever felt such love and warmth?
Artificial snow globe city
Don't pretend to understand how it works
Artificial snow globe city
Artificial snow globe city
Don't pretend you're not a captive in this world