Suspended in the air
I hear myself breathing
Hanging by a thread
My heart is barely beating
I haven't fallen yet
But I feel it comin'
Tell me would it be too much to ask
If you break it to me gently
That I'm waking the next day
Without you beside me
And who I hold on to today
Tomorrow will just be a memory
That I would look back at all of this
And wonder why I stayed in here
Just to watch you disappear
So I breathe and let you go
How do I breathe and let you go?
Before it's too late
I'll take a step away
I know one word would make me go
Rushing back to you
So I'll just shut my eyes
Forget that you were mine
How do you go from making one your home
And then just letting it all go
Let me take it in
Before it sinks in
Far beyond my reach
Is the future you promised
Know what I never even had
I have every reason to miss
And I don't know where
I could find the strength to let you go
When the only love I've come to know
Packed his bags and left me alone
You found another home
So before it's too late
I'll take a step away
I know one word would make me go
Rushing back to you
That I'll just shut my eyes
Forget that you were mine
How do you go from making one your home
And then just letting it all go
Let me take it in
Before it sinks in
Before it's too late
I'll take a step away
I know one word would make me go
Rushing back to you
I'll just shut my eyes
Forget that you were mine
How do you go from making one your home
And then just letting it all go
Let me take it in
Before it sinks in