Some days I want to change everything
Some days I laugh so loud,
In another I don't know where to go
Some days I barely escape
Another day I'm not sure if I'll get rid
Some days I don't remember anything
Another day I can't forget about anything
Some days you abuse me
Another day you treat me so kind
Some days I tell the truth
Another day I don't fool anyone
Some days I feel that everything
looks like perfect to be how I wished it was
Another day nothing happens of way I wanted
I end up losing what I've earned
As soon as the sun rises, good morning
Some days I am different
Another day I am behaved
Some days I sleep too late
Some days I wake up very tired
Some days I kiss you so good
Another day, don't touch me because I want to breathe
Some days I want to change everything in the world
Another I want to slow down
Some days I think about the future
Another day I don't care about it
Some days I can find the exit
Another day I can't
One or two days in our live,
One day everything quiet
I just know one thing, when I wake up I know love the life
My days are never look alike