As if I was denying Destiny
to cross a long-distance route
over a sad extension,
the carriage is grinding on the road
that seems to open
the passage to the white roof of the carriage.
When the skeleton screams,
it is the sign that the storm is coming,
a fresh breath curls the paddocks
and horneros are making noise
announcing the downpour...
and Pampa is like a green handkerchief,
hung from the sky,
lying in the sun,
just how life sometimes turns out
without shadows or wounds,
without pain or love...
The wind of the glen
brings pleasure to the wet soil
and in the song of the old cowboy
it looks like the pampero
blowing the pain away...
Suddenly, the storm is unleashed
and the rain is a curtain
lying in the vastness
while the oxen
on the dusty path
are blow away with happiness
with a will to wander around...
Welcome the song of the southern lapwing
that greets the downpour!
It is not as sad anymore
the sadness of the road
and on the pole, the boyero
feels like singing.
Langanay, the old ox with dappled back,
silent cropper of the same sorrow,
the same yugo ties us to the road...
Heavy fate
to wander and to wander!
Where will you go, dappled ox?
Will the herder not follow you?
And the Pampa is like a green handkerchief,
hung from the sky that wants to cry...