Do you know, brother, how sad I am?
The trills and blood have left my voice,
My best dream has been shattered,
He has died, my son, my son, brother.
He couldn't fill his mouth with a voice,
He barely left the womb of my sweet love.
An enormous and blue life was given him and he
couldnt' take it,
He couldn't take it, he was so small
I had composed a minim1for him
About love between a cloud and a flying fish;
I dreamed he was running, covered in sweat,
His cheeks full, cheeks full of sun and sweetness.
It was in April, the warm rhythm of my little boy that danced,
Inside the womb a flowering meadow was his bed
And the navel, and the navel, and the navel the sun...
Don't look, brother, for the best path,
My soul is now silent from asking God.
What do we do now, my sweetness and I,
With two breasts full, with two breasts full of milk and sorrow?
It was in April, the warm rhythm of my little boy that danced,
Inside the womb a flowering meadow was his bed
And the navel, and the navel, and the navel the sun...
We are thinking, it would be better the three of us go,
The three of us go...than for two to stay...
1. a minim is music written in half note (blanca cancion)