Inside the moon, ho heave ho, deep in water, along the island
(Inside the moon, oh heave oh, along the island, deep in water)
Inside the moon, heave and swell1, there's a great chasm.
Sailor, raise the anchor, there's still wine left in my barrel.
Inside the moon, heave and swell, there's a great chasm.
Pull on the oars, lads, there's still wine left in my barrel.
Inside the chasm, ho heave ho, there's a sea shell
(inside the chasm, ho heave ho, along the island, deep in water)
Inside the shell deep in water there's a ship.
Sailor, raise the anchor, there's still wine left in my barrel.
Inside the shell deep in water there's a ship.
Pull on the oars, lads, there's still wine left in my barrel.
Inside the ship, ho heave ho, there's a great city
Inside the city deep in water, there's a hill
Up above, ho heave ho, there's a sweet briar bouquet
Inside the bouquet deep in water, there's a nice church
Inside the church, ho heave ho, there's a pretty girl
Inside the girl deep in water there's an eel
Inside the eel, ho heave ho, there's a tiny pounding heart
and inside the heart deep in water, there's a deep chasm.
1. just a rhythmic pattern with no definite meaning