You're still remaining seated
While the others are leaving
The credits are scrolling down
Everyone have watched/witnessed it
And you - right in the thick of it
You're getting out
The day is bright
(You) look ahead
(You) try to focus it
And everything's becoming blurred
It is said,
life is not straight
And you don't always get
what you just want
But with each day that gives you hope
With each goal that still lies ahead of you
With all the longing that grows in you
Look ahead
With every truth that you recognize
With each doubt you fight back
With each blow that leaves you reeling
Look ahead
You're plodding along
Just to gain a little bit ground
And you don't know whereto
(You're) not able to see where it all leads you to
Because what's behind you
casts its cloud over you
And it doesn't make sense
It is said,
life is not straight
And you don't always get
what you just want
But with each day that gives you hope
With each goal that still lies ahead of you
With all the longing that grows in you
Look ahead
With every truth that you recognize
With each doubt, you fight back
With each blow that leaves you reeling
Look ahead
And you see with every little step,
that you're getting somewhere
broadening also your horizon
With each day that gives you hope
With each goal that still lies ahead of you
With all the longing that grows in you
Look ahead
With every truth that you recognize
With each doubt, you fight back
With each blow that leaves you reeling
Look ahead