What is the best Wheel of Fortune category This is something I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about. Arguably too much time! Probably more than the show’s producers. But after much soul searching, I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s Before & After (“FAMILY GUY FIERI,” for example), followed by Same Name. The latter category — which “includes two names, phrases, or other terms that end in the same word” — was apparently introduced on September 6, 1988, and in all that time, Pat Sajak has never looked more relieved that someone solved it correctly than during Wednesday’s episode.
Here’s what the “Same Name” puzzle looked like with one blank space to go:
And here’s what Sajak looked like after contestant Sonia solved the puzzle:
“I have to sit down a minute,” he said after laughing over what could have been. Anyway, congrats to Sonia, who not only resisted the temptation to say “LOVE & ERECTION SEAT” to the delight of millions of viewers, even at the cost of losing a turn, but she also won the game. She triumphed over fellow contestants Lulu and Stan in the early rounds before failing to correctly solve the Bonus Round puzzle (“A VAGUE CONCEPT”).
Now “ERECTION PILL BOX” is there for the next Before & After.