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The Dealer Who Sold The Drugs That Killed Michael K. Williams Could Receive Up To 40 Years In Prison

The Dealer Who Sold The Drugs That Killed Michael K. Williams Could Receive Up To 40 Years In Prison

Following a tense investigation after the death of The Wire star Michael K. Williams, drug dealer Irvin “Green Eyes” Cartagena has pleaded guilty to selling the fatal dose to the actor.

Cartagena was arrested over a year ago in February 2022 by both the NYPD and FBI after investigators used security footage and informants to pinpoint who sold Williams the drugs that killed him, which was easy to do thanks to the transaction going down in “broad daylight.”

Via Deadline:

In front of U.S. District Judge Ronnie Abrams earlier in the day, Cartagena pleaded guilty to “one count of conspiracy to distribute and possess with intent to distribute fentanyl analogue, fentanyl, and heroin.” That plea specifically cited the death of Williams as a consequence of Cartagena’s drug slinging. Set to be sentenced later this year, Cartagena, aka “Green Eyes,” faces a mandatory minimum of five years and up to 40 years on the charges.

Cartagena’s arrest was detailed in a report from The Daily Beast, and not only did the deal take place out in the open, but Green Eyes did very little to hide his identity despite being in the same location he was arrested months earlier:

The whole scene appeared as relaxed as if dealing dangerous narcotics were as completely legal as selling milk at the Alegria Grocery next door.

Williams and Green Eyes were so at ease that they paused to take out their phones to exchange numbers, Green Eyes dialing first. Williams showed him his screen and Green Eyes pointed to it, apparently confirming his number.

Thanks to Williams making a call to his apartment, investigators were able to match up the actor’s phone to security footage, which helped them identify “Green Eyes.” However, the dealer did have enough sense to flee the area after Williams’ death went public, but he did not evade capture for long.

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