Many actors have big roles they famously turned down, and Toni Collette is no exception. The beloved actress, who can currently be seen in Mafia Mamma, was one of the performers considered for the lead in Bridget Jones’ sDiary, along with such luminaries as Helena Bonham Carter, Cate Blanchett, Emily Watson, and Rachel Weisz. She actually turned it down, but does she mourn for an alternate timeline in which she played one of the more iconic roles of the aughts Not really.
As per Insider, Collette appeared on Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen, which allows people to call in over Zoom to ask guests questions. During one call, Collette was asked if she felt bad about turning down the role, which she did in part because she was busy with her Broadway debut, The Wild Party, which also featured Mandy Patinkin and Earth Kitt.
“I don’t regret anything,” Collette replied. “I think there are no coincidences. Anything that’s meant for you in life is meant to happen. I have no regrets — life happens as it’s meant to. But that is true, yeah.”
It’s not the first time Collette was asked about the move. Late last year she spoke about it in an interview with Yahoo! Entertainment.
“I wasn’t available, but sometimes I think about that, and I think, I don’t know, that character’s so similar to Muriel,” she said, referring to her starmaking role in Muriel’s Wedding. “It might’ve been too close. And I try not to repeat myself.”
So don’t even bother thinking about what could have been had Renee Zelwegger not clinched the role, which she resurrected back in the teens. All’s good.
You can watch Collette’s Andy Cohen appearance below.