As The Super Mario Bros. Movie continues to make headlines for its juggernaut box office performance, the animated film is apparently pulling off the impressive feat despite a serious rash of piracy thanks to Elon Musk cutting costs at Twitter. According to reports, a full version of the film keeps getting uploaded to Musk’s social media platform and racking up a significant amount of views before the content moderation team can react.
As The Verge reports, Digital Millennium Copyright Act or DCMA notices are something that anyone who owns a platform like Twitter pay attention to “because they are protected from liability under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act if they take action in a reasonable amount of time upon request.” Yet it’s slipping through the cracks on Twitter:
Anyway, Elon Musk isn’t one of them, and he also fired the vast majority of Twitter’s trust and safety and compliance teams while simultaneously increasing the length of videos you can post to Twitter, so now you can just watch The Super Mario Bros. Movie on his slowly-decaying platform. One copy of the movie has been up since April 28th and has amassed… 9.3 million views as of posting.
Following the leak, users took to roast Musk and joke that Nintendo is about to own Twitter for seriously dropping the ball when it comes to content moderation. Did movies get uploaded before Musk bought the site Yes. Did they stay up for days Nope, and that’s going to be a serious issue heading into the summer blockbuster season.
You can see some of the reactions below: