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‘Watch Dogs 2’ Introduces Its Hipster Heroes And Villains In Its Latest Trailer

‘Watch Dogs 2’ Introduces Its Hipster Heroes And Villains In Its Latest Trailer

Watch Dogs 2 may be one of this year’s big holiday games, but Ubisoft has remained somewhat vague about what the game is actually about. Y’know, aside from “More hacking!” We know the action has been transplanted to San Francisco, and you’ll play as Marcus Holloway, a brilliant hacker originally from Oakland, but what else is going on

Well, thankfully the latest Watch Dogs 2 trailer gives us the basic outline, while introducing us to the game’s achingly hip cast. The game sees hacker collective DedSec (who all hang around in a room together, because, apparently, nobody’s heard of the Internet) going up against the Blume Corporation, which creates city-automating software and funnels data for all the major corporations. A convenient all-in-one digital boogeyman!

Ultimately, though, it’s hard to focus on Watch Dog 2‘s plot, when everybody’s just so gosh darn cool. Jean jackets, Hawaiian shirts, wallet chains, trucker hats, white-guy dreadlocks, and horn-rimmed glasses abound! Even the game’s villain does yoga and has a man bun! More like Trend Watcher Dogs, amirite

Okay, I poke fun, but Watch Dogs 2 does look refreshingly lighthearted compared to its predecessor, and the action certainly looks intense. Hopefully there’s some substance behind the game’s swagger.

Watch Dogs 2 will make you feel old on Nov. 15.

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