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Snoop Dogg And Bill Gates Compete For The Title Of ‘Greatest Secret Santa’ This Holiday

Snoop Dogg And Bill Gates Compete For The Title Of ‘Greatest Secret Santa’ This Holiday

It’s no secret that Reddit’s Secret Santa efforts put any your typical and disappointing office Secret Santas to shame based on the sheer size alone. The gift giving exchange has grown each year, earning a Guinness World Record three times since starting a few years back according to Reddit itself:

As many of you know, last year we set out to beat our previous record of 44,805 participants in the world’s largest online Secret Santa. And it’s now officially official and officially amazing: in 2013, we doubled our number of participants, with 89,421 individuals successfully completing the redditgifts Secret Santa 2013 exchange. That means we are Guinness World Record holders three times over!

Part of the allure here has to do with some of the celebrity names that take part in the season of giving, including Bill Gates and Arnold Schwarzenegger in past years. This has turned out to be quite the showcase for Gates by the way, giving him a chance to spoil one lucky person with her very own Loki helmet in 2014. He’s back at it again this year, but he’s also got some competition in the form of Snoop Dogg.

Both are involved in the 2016 Secret Santa and both are doing their best to spoil their respective targets. Snoop surprised Erin — aka queenoftitsandwine on Reddit — with a box of gifts that could only come from Snoop Dogg. This includes a fine pair of Snoop Dogg slippers, some tea, a Broadus Family brand jar of baby powder, a Snoop Dogg millionaire t-shirt, and a mini-drone to annoy the neighbors with. Sharing her gifts on Imgur, Erin can barely contain the excitement:

Stuff like this never happens to me, like ever. I got a message from reddit saying my Santa contacted them and told them my package had been shipped. I joked with my husband about it being a celebrity. Well jokes on me. Holy sh*t! I need a minute for this to sink in. My heads in the clouds right now!

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The Snoop Dogg Secret Santa breakdown as requested

Not to be outdone, the former Microsoft head showered his Secret Santa with gifts from the geeky Microsoft realm, including a Minecraft edition Xbox One, a selection of Xbox One controllers, a selection of Zelda gifts including a paper version of the Master Sword, and a cajun cookbook signed by the man himself. It’s safe to say that Aerrix was pretty excited to receive his bounty:

So then I get the box open and there’s just bubble wrap EVERYWHERE, but under the first layer I see a picture…and my jaw. Just. Drops. I will let the picture speak for itself! I immediately call my husband at work, I normally text him first to make sure it’s ok if I call but I couldn’t wait…he answered and I spoke very quietly because I knew if I didn’t I would just yell, and I said something like “dear, please tell me you can talk right now,” and he sounded worried and he’s like “yes What’s going on” And I said BILL GATES IS MY FREAKIN SANTA!!!!!!!! I worried him too much, it took a second for it to sink in but oh MAN I was excited and flipping out! He had to get back to work so I called my mom and talked to her and sent pics the whole time I was opening presents! He sent a very nice note speaking to a couple past experience I’d had with exchanges…well boy did he make up for everything!

Check out the rest of Aerrix’s gift over here. From where I’m standing, it’s hard to say who made out the best here. The slippers from Snoop Dogg almost make the whole thing worth it because they look very comfortable, but there ws clearly a lot of thought put into the Bill Gates gift. What do you think

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