Netflix just dropped the trailer for their latest series, a show based on the 2014 indie hit Dear White People, and it’s outraged a loud group of dummies. How pissed are they Well, there’s a small, vocal group demanding that Netflix either cancel the show or suffer the consequences of dealing with lost subscriptions from those who believe that the show promotes an “anti-white” and “anti-European” agenda. Some former subscribers, their cancellation notices posted prominently on Twitter, are already suggesting that the show is all about white genocide (which, I’ve got be real clear here, isn’t a thing).
What offends them about the show It’s not exactly clear, although the title may have something to do with it. Apparently, since a show called Dear Black People wouldn’t be allowed to air — do we need it — releasing one that targets whites for an “education” is racist and bad and shouldn’t ever see the light of day. Never mind that the show’s trailer, which features an African-American woman talking about how doing blackface at Halloween is unacceptable isn’t in any way traumatizing or outrageous. It’s simply discussing something which lots of people don’t understand is wrong.
Check out the trailer for yourself:
Nothing to get too upset about, right Wrong! Because the same vocal minority that calls liberals “special snowflakes” and has a rage stroke when the words “safe space” are whispered 100 miles away are now wringing their hands at the thought of television informing them that casual racism is alive, well, and thriving in 2017.
It's ok to be racist & anti White cuz muh systematic racism
— Irma Hinojosa (@latinaafortrump) February 8, 2017
Drop some Tweets in this tag "Dear White People", this is the #WhiteGenocide show @netflix is releasing, CANCEL @Netflix
— MicroOnii-chan™ (@JuddGoldstein) February 8, 2017
Netflix announced a new anti-white show (Dear White People) that promotes white genocide.
I cancelled my account, do the same. #NoNetflix
— Baked Alaska™ (@bakedalaska) February 8, 2017
@bakedalaska Done
— Observer (@PrivateName11) February 8, 2017
@bakedalaska @BrittPettibone #NoNetflix.
— Skip Towne (@skiptowne61) February 8, 2017
— Whitehackle (@deweysteven77) February 8, 2017
Dear White People – I was born white just as you were born black, brown. We don't choose so why do you choose to label us
— American GVR (@usaforyoubruv) February 8, 2017
Liberals go Crazy when I denounce #WhiteGenocide Liberals want all whites dead. Dear White People – Netflix hates you and supports racism.
— Trump Revolution (@TrumpRevoluti0n) February 8, 2017
Dear .@netflix – If you reverse the races & a thing is racist, then the original is, too. Cancelling my service b/c of "Dear White People."
— Lupo (@NemoMeLacessit) February 8, 2017
@netflix Dear netflix, here is my reaction to dear white people
— Spirit Chef (@Daspiritchef) February 8, 2017
— Clinton Body Count (@tony_2A) February 8, 2017
Bye bye @netflix!
'Dear white people' is a disgusting show. Tweet your cancellation pic!
— Becky (@actuallyBecky) February 8, 2017
All I gathered from the "Dear White People" trailer is that you may only where what the overlords dictate. Am I right masta
— Jonathan Jade Martin (@JadeJonnyGamer) February 8, 2017
Of course, there’s some sanity, too. When ‘Dear White People’ started trending on Twitter, some people rolled in to explain that the show isn’t racist, that it’s about bridging divides, and, most importantly, that anyone cancelling their subscriptions over a show they don’t like is going to be missing out on a whole hell of a lot more than just that show.
— My wife calls me (@Blk_and_Gyphted) February 8, 2017
"Dear White People" is about black Ivy League students navigating at an all white school, & this dumbass says it promotes "white genocide"..
— lela (@QUEEN_CVNT) February 8, 2017
Netflix announced a new show led by blck ppl (Dear White People) that highlights racism
I just created an account,do the same. #YesNetflix
— babs (@OR0ROMUNROE) February 8, 2017
@nickmon1112 Dear White People trailer released. Nobody knows what it's actually about, but whoo boy. Opinions anyway. xD
— Leaf (@OrphanThwack) February 8, 2017
dear white people brings awareness to racism against poc, it doesn't promote white genocide. y'all sensitive over facts..
— (@blurrytaes) February 8, 2017
White ppl: WOW!!!! RACISM AT ITS FINEST!!!
— lex loves jasper (@bisexuaInygma) February 8, 2017
People who are pressed about the title "Dear White People" & unsubscribing to Netflix will be back watching OITNB in a few months dw
— (@leavetrislonely) February 8, 2017