Prank calls are wonderful things, and sadly we don’t get nearly enough of them. Fortunately Will Arnett, promoting his turn as the Caped Crusader in The Lego Batman Movie, is willing to tackle the form. And not only is he doing it, he’s doing it in character, with little Batman animations to go with it and playing the alphabet game to boot.
For those unfamiliar, the game involves starting each sentence with the next letter of the alphabet. The call opens fairly conventionally, as some poor clerk answers the phone and gets what she clearly thinks is a very confused old man. Let’s just say it accelerates from there as he runs further down the alphabet, and hopefully the manager who gets on the phone gets a fruit basket or something for her troubles.
For us, though, we feel like this could be a whole series. After all, Batman needs to unwind somehow, and prank calls are about the only harmless thing a billionaire ninja detective can do. Perhaps he can dial up Clark and pretend to be a very confused Daxamite, or see if Diana is will to subscribe to Lasso Enthusiast Monthly. And if kids get ideas, better they’re prank calling than trolling on the internet.