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Setting ‘The Walking Dead’ To The ‘Friends’ Opening Theme Makes Zombies Fun Again

Setting ‘The Walking Dead’ To The ‘Friends’ Opening Theme Makes Zombies Fun Again

You know what Sometimes a parody is so obvious it’s overlooked for years. Like searching for your car keys when they’re literally right in front of your face, mashing together AMC’s The Walking Dead with perennial internet nostalgia machine Friends is the most natural thing in the world. Think about it: Friends dominated television in the late-90s, with the NBC series being the most watched show of the 2001-2002 season. Right now, The Walking Dead is that juggernaut. What it says about the natural arc of the American psyche that our favorite show used to be a sitcom about young people living in an unrealistically large apartment for their tax bracket and is now about cannibalism and zombies is a quandary for another day.

Instead of dwelling on America’s slow descent into nilhism, instead watch the above video from The Woodcreek Faction that takes the decaying world of The Walking Dead and puts zombie-killing with its natural musical accompaniment: the upbeat pop of The Rembrandts. What If it’s good enough for Shaun of the Dead and Zombieland, it’s good enough for me.

Afterwards, head to the comments and match up the cast of the AMC drama with their Friends counterparts. Who in The Group is the Phoebe The Joey The Smelly Cat

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