Wes Anderson belongs among a select group of directors — Ryan Coogler, James Cameron, Kathryn Bigelow, etc. — whose movies qualify as events. It helps that he works somewhat infrequently. Since 2010, he’s only directed three films: Moonrise Kingdom, The Grand Budapest Hotel (his highest-grossing movie), and this year’s Isle of Dogs, which will likely be nominated for Best Animated Feature at the Oscars. Anderson is reportedly already hard at work on his next feature, though, a musical set during post-World War II France.
From (translated) French publication Charente Libre, via The Playlist:
The director in question is Wes Anderson. The American would like to come and shoot a musical. And so would like to put his cameras in Angouleme. But not until November or December. We know that research for sets began. That contacts were made locally to look for houses where scenes would turn.
Is anyone else surprised that Anderson hasn’t already made a musical I mean, he’s done a stop-motion movie about foxes, but very little singing and dancing. It’s the natural evolution of filmmaking: hotels -> dogs -> musicals. Anyway, Anderson has lived in France for years and often speaks of his appreciation for French films, so it was only a matter of time before he set one of his projects there. No other details are currently available, but assume it will star Bill Murray.