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Cardi B has a lot on her plate right now. She has a new child that’s caused a lot of, well, changes in her life. And then there’s that feud with Nikki Minaj, which is in some state or another. But could acting be added onto the to do list
Apparently, the rapper is being courted for a very specific role thanks to one of her animal print outfits. That’s right, The Nanny herself, Fran Drescher, wants Cardi B to play her daughter in a potential remake of the classic 90s sitcom. And this is more than a pipe dream, according to an interview Drescher has actually contacted Cardi’s people to see if it’s possible.
“She started it because she kind of paid homage to me, putting our pictures side by side when she was wearing animal print and it was me in animal from ‘The Nanny’ and that just went viral,” Drescher told Extra TV. “That got my creative juices going.”
In September, Cardi posted a photo of herself in animal print and described it as “Fran Drescher in Dolce & Gabbana.”
Drescher claimed the comparisons don’t just stop with visuals, either: they sound alike, too.
“She’s got a funny voice, too,” she said. “What kind of a great mother/daughter would we be Amazing, I think.”
The beautician in the Beautician And The Beast really is serious here, she claims to be “talking with her representation” about reviving the show and having the rapper involved.
“It’s really getting me excited,” Drescher said. “It’s fresh and it could be super fun.”
It’s unclear if yet another 90s sitcom revival can be classified as “fresh” but it certainly would be interesting to see Cardi B on a TV show. No word on whether she’s actually interested, but it’s not the worst idea that’s currently on air.