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Katy Perry Called Donald Trump’s California Fires Response ‘Heartless’

Katy Perry Called Donald Trump’s California Fires Response ‘Heartless’

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President Donald J. Trump has been on a roll since Tuesday’s elections, his tantrums somehow growing even louder and even more frequent. He’s not even dialing it down on weekends. While you were trying to chill on Saturday, the commander-in-chief began his day by addressing the fires consuming parts of California, which have so far killed nine people and forced a quarter of a million people from their homes. Was the president, as they say, “presidential” about it If you think scaring the hell out of people who are already running for their lives is presidential, then yes — yes, he was.

Tweeting from Paris, where he was skipping a WWI ceremony because it was raining outside, Trump began his day by putting these words together:

There is no reason for these massive, deadly and costly forest fires in California except that forest management is so poor. Billions of dollars are given each year, with so many lives lost, all because of gross mismanagement of the forests. Remedy now, or no more Fed payments!

It’s not clear whether the president did some deep research into whether institutional malfeasance amplified the fires or if he was just acting like a loudmouth with the world’s biggest soapbox. It’s also not 100% obvious if he was simply angry that California went predictably blue in an election that saw Democrats take over the House of Representatives.

Either way, the president once again — and not for the only time Saturday — inspired a wrath of angry tweets sent in his direction. One of them, as noted by HuffPo, was from Katy Perry.

— KATY PERRY (@katyperry) November 10, 2018

Calling his response “heartless,” the musician responded with ire she usually reserves for Taylor Swift, multiplied untold times, then directed it at the most powerful man in the known universe.

Perry wasn’t the only music god who called out the president. Sir Rod Stewart got in a good one, too.

— Sir Rod Stewart (@rodstewart) November 10, 2018

Later in the day, Trump again tweeted about the California fires, but his latest lacked the hostility and menace of his earlier one.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 10, 2018

These California fires are expanding very, very quickly (in some cases 80-100 acres a minute). If people don’t evacuate quickly, they risk being overtaken by the fire. Please listen to evacuation orders from State and local officials!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 10, 2018

Did the people who sang “I Kissed a Girl” and “Do Ya Think I’m Sexy” actually make a dent in his brain Who knows! Whatever the case, President Trump certainly didn’t apologize for his previous remarks, nor did he backtrack.

Besides, the president also had other fish of about the same size to fry. Remember when we mentioned he skipped a ceremony It was to commemorate the end of World War I, and it was held at the Aisne-Marne Cemetery in Northern France — the resting place for 1,800 American soldiers killed in the battle of Belleau Wood. But it lightly rained, and Trump didn’t go, with a statement citing “scheduling and logistical difficulties caused by the weather.”

And so Trump was called out, on a completely different matter, by no less than a grandson of Winston Churchill himself. Nicholas Soames, a member of British Parliament, called Donald Trump “pathetic.”

— Nicholas Soames (@NSoames) November 10, 2018

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