Unlike the Alien series, which has its defenders despite a massive drop-off in quality following the first two films, no one really likes the later Terminator movies. The Terminator and Terminator 2: Judgment Day are masterpieces, and then there’s the rest: Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines, Terminator Salvation, and Terminator Genisys. What happened For one thing, James Cameron left the android assassins behind for blue cat-folk. Also, The Terminator and Judgment Day have Linda Hamilton; the rest don’t. (She’s “in” Salvation, but you only hear her voice.) She’s the heart of the franchise (there’s a reason the television spinoff series is called The Sarah Connor Chronicles), and without her, it’s just Christian Bale yelling at a crew member.
That’s why people are so excited for Hamilton to reprise her role as Sarah Connor in the Cameron-produced Dark Fate, which had its first look at CinemaCon earlier today. The footage is cause for commendation, as is Hamilton calling the post-Judgement Day movies “forgettable.”
“They’re very forgettable, aren’t they” the actress told Variety. “You start something and you’re invested in the franchise, but somehow the characters that you care about weren’t there. Too many people, too many story points. So I think we’ve done a good job of narrowing down the focus again so it will echo the first two films.” Hamilton was initially hesitant to appear in Dark Fate, so she has a plan if she’s asked to do another one: “I’m going to fake my own death.”
Paramount also released photos from Dark Fate, which you can see below.