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When’s The Best Time To Have An Appendectomy During ‘Avengers: Endgame’?

When’s The Best Time To Have An Appendectomy During ‘Avengers: Endgame’?

By now, the very long run-time of Avengers: Endgame has been well-documented. And with that long, long runtime comes a whole host of concerns about making it through the entire movie in one sitting without an intermission. This is a daunting task and will take some planning beforehand to archive successfully – so plan wisely!

Now, I know what you’re thinking. “But what if I can’t make it through the whole movie What if I have appendicitis during Avengers: Endgame” Well, that’s where we come in and, luckily for you, we are here to help. Because sometimes our bodies just don’t always cooperate. So, if you feel you have appendicitis during Avengers: Endgame and can’t make it through the whole movie, we have come up with exactly the right moment to leave for an appendectomy.

Around two hours into Avengers: Endgame, the Avengers, who had split up for a bit, reunite back at the Avengers headquarters. At this point in the movie, if you hurry, it just might be your best bet. Now, this scene isn’t completely ideal – no scene in Endgame is a complete can’t miss – but it’s probably your best chance to duck out for your appendectomy. Again, if you hurry!

Look, I’m not a doctor. But appendicitis can be serious if not treated. But, then again, you bought your tickets for Avengers: Endgame a month ago and you’ve been looking forward this culmination of the Marvel Cinematic Universe for years now. It’s a tough call.

From a quick internet search, it appears the average appendectomy takes about an hour. If you’re lucky and there’s a hospital nearby, let’s say you can have all this over within about 90 minutes.

Now, we are not suggesting that you return to the theater right after surgery. If everything goes well, it appears that the recommended recovery time is between one and three weeks. Let’s split the difference and assume that, after your successful appendectomy, you’re back on your feet in, say, about two weeks.

Again, I can’t stress this enough, please listen to your physician. If he or she says you need additional rest, then you should take the additional rest. Nothing is more important than your health and, rest assured, Avengers: Endgame still hasn’t ended and you still have plenty of time to get back, so don’t lose your ticket stub.

But let’s stick with a recovery time of two weeks and you’re ready to return to your seat, watching Avengers: Endgame. So, in the two weeks of the movie you missed, you missed out on some witty banter from the Avengers (that Tony, always a wiseacre) and, probably, the opening moments of what leads up to the final battle between good and evil. But rest assured, there’s still plenty of Avengers: Endgame left and you should be able to catch up on the plot you missed while recovering from appendicitis.

No one wants to sit down for the most anticipated movie of all time and then have appendicitis. But with a running time this long, it’s hard to plan ahead. If only there were an intermission, you could have had your appendectomy performed then. But, there’s not. So these are the best plans we could come up with to leave Avengers: Endgame, have surgery, recover, and come back in time for that satisfying final act.

Just remember, before you return to your seat, you might also want to use the bathroom. There’s still plenty of movie to go.

You can contact Mike Ryan directly on Twitter.

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