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Daniel Bryan Says He Wants To Wrestle Until He’s 70

Daniel Bryan Says He Wants To Wrestle Until He’s 70


Yesterday, Sports Illustrated published an interview with Daniel Bryan, currently one half of the Smackdown Tag Team Champions alongside Rowan. Most of the quotes from Bryan are an extended promo on his WrestleMania 35 opponent WWE Champion Kofi Kingston and/or his thoughts about elevating the company’s tag team wrestling scene. According to Bryan:

The WWE tag team division is the best that it’s ever been as far as the matches. The matches between the New Day and the Usos, The Bar, The Revival, they’re all fantastic. But there’s all this big hullabaloo about the women main-eventing WrestleMania. How come no one is talking about tag teams main-eventing WrestleMania

Great point, fictional character WWE’s Daniel Bryan! Also, how come, when women got the right to vote under one hundred years ago, no one is talking about tag teams getting the right to vote (But seriously, WWE, listen to Bryan and get the tag champs off the pre-shows, please.)

After bringing up his past wrestling on the independent circuit, the passionate Bryan stated how long he plans to continue wrestling, and it’s longer than you might expect for a man who came out of what seemed like permanent retirement last year.

There are people who say, ‘I only want to do this for three or four more years,’ or ‘I only want to do this until I’m 45.’ No. I want to do this until I’m 70. Months before I die, I want to be doing a wrestling show. I won’t be able to do the stuff I do now, but I want to go out and do this thing I’ve been passionate about wrestling my entire life. I want to do that my whole life.

Never change, Daniel Bryan, and please never stop wrestling as long as it doesn’t become too dangerous for your head/neck/brain.

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