Months after “The Last of the Starks” aired on HBO, Game of Thrones showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss have finally addressed the gaffe that made the final season’s fourth episode so memorable. We are, of course, referring to the infamous stray coffee cup that was left on a table in front of Emilia Clarke’s Daenerys Targaryen, who sat watching Kit Harington’s Jon Snow and a few others celebrate a recent battle. So, what did Netflix’s latest acquisition have to say for themselves Not too much, actually.
Per Vulture, the pair fessed up to the mistake while discussing Thrones with the Japanese outlet Star Channel:
“It’s tradition that you make a little mistake, because only God can do anything perfect,” Benioff explained, comparing the error to crafting a fine Persian rug. “We were concentrating so much on Daenerys and Jon Snow that we just didn’t see this coffee cup right in the middle. So at first I couldn’t believe it, and then it was embarrassment; ‘how did we not see this coffee cup in the middle of the shot’ And then, eventually, it was just funny. This one is just a mistake, and it’s kind of funny to us now.”
In other words, a third of a year later, Benioff and Weiss think the massive mistake, which HBO quickly acknowledged and edited out of the streaming version of “The Last of the Starks,” was “just funny.” Of course, it wasn’t jovial enough for the pair to brave the crowds at the 2019 San Diego Comic-Con, which they were previously scheduled to attend before canceling their appearance last minute, but c’est la vie.
Check out the Star Channel interview below. Benioff and Weiss’ comments on the coffee cup come toward the very end.