Aside from random social media posts and the occasional Saturday Night Live bit, the principal cast of NBC’s The Office won’t be getting together for an official reunion anytime soon. Even so, that hasn’t stopped the acclaimed show’s former players from semi-regularly re-teaming up for other projects. Like The Office Ladies, a new podcast about the series that will be co-hosted by none other than Jenna Fischer and Angela Kinsey, who played Pam Beasley and Angela Martin respectively.
According to Entertainment Weekly, Office Ladies will premiere October 16th via the comedy podcast network Earwolf, which is known for classics like Comedy Bang! Bang!, How Did This Get Made and many others. Each entry will see the co-hosts breaking down episodes of The Office with their own commentary and behind-the-scenes stories from the production. They’ll even get around to answering a few fan-submitted questions.
“I’m excited to be working with my best friend Angela Kinsey,” Fischer said in a statement. “So many memories are flooding in as we go back and watch the episodes — many of which I haven’t seen since they aired. As we close in on the 15th anniversary of the show, it seemed like a great time to share our stories and behind-the-scenes trivia with fans. Besides talking about The Office, you can also hear us chat a little about our lives, our Target runs together, our friendship through the years. It’s a lot of fun.”
Kinsey added, “There’ll be lots of behind-the-scenes stories and lots of us just being BFFs. So come on! What are you waiting for Snuggle up next to me and Jenna on the sofa and let’s rewatch The Office together!”