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Watch Poppy Open NXT And Give Io Shirai The Best Ring Entrance Of The Year

Watch Poppy Open NXT And Give Io Shirai The Best Ring Entrance Of The Year

As you may already know, we’ve been fantasy booking a live collaboration between WWE NXT and musician/religious leader Poppy since her song, ‘X,’ was used as one of the themes for NXT TakeOver: Phoenix. In our interview with her, Poppy mentioned that she was supposed to be in Phoenix live, but missed it due to illness. So we were extra excited when we saw this tweet drop on Tuesday:

— Poppy (@poppy) October 29, 2019

And even moreso when, 10 minutes before the show went live, Triple H took his mark photo.

— Triple H (@TripleH) October 30, 2019

Note: Poppy is not throwing up the Too Sweet because she’s definitely LIJ.

Sure enough, Poppy showed up LIVE AND IN COLOR, IF YOU WILL, to open the show with ‘I Disagree.’ If you haven’t seen the video for that, make sure you do so immediately. That quickly transitioned into Poppy playing Io Shirai to the ring to ‘Scary Mask’ — the same song we’ve seen evil Io use in video packages — and the world’s greatest convergence of my interests continued into the ring.

We will update this post accordingly if Poppy fulfills her destiny and runs into the Velveteen Dream at any point. You know those two are meant to be best friends, they’ve got the same supernatural powers and appreciation of avant garde fashion.

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