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‘Watchmen’ Viewers Were Thrilled To See The Return Of A Beloved Character On The Season Finale

‘Watchmen’ Viewers Were Thrilled To See The Return Of A Beloved Character On The Season Finale

WARNING: Obviously, Watchmen spoilers will be found below.

The Watchmen season finale came full circle, locationwise, to where the series began when Lady Trieu teleported a group to the same location of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre. In the process, the show surfaced a few characters who’ve been in the wind, so to speak, including a fan favorite that everyone wanted to see return. No, I’m not talking about Lube Man (who would have been wonderful as well) but, instead, Wade Tillman, a.k.a. “Looking Glass.” We haven’t seen his genuinely benevolent (and traumatized) self since the fifth episode, which ended with armed Kavalry members entering his home.

It didn’t look good, but Wade prevailed.

Thank goodness, right It didn’t make sense for the show to give Tim Blake Nelson’s character an origin story that tied into the series’ major themes, only to kill him off immediately. Well, Wade is a preparer, so when the show recently revealed that he’d (probably) killed those Kavalry members and fled the scene, it seemed like a guarantee that he’d show up to help save the world. And that’s exactly what happened with Laurie Blake expressing surprise to see ol’ “Mirror Guy” disguised in a Rorschach mask.

Yep, Wade had infiltrated the Kavalry, and he (pukingly) got blipped away by Doctor Manhattan to Adrian Veidt’s lair, along with Laurie and Ozymandias. Watching the three of these well-crafted (and continued, other than Wade) characters maneuvering around each other was quite the payoff. Adrian called Wade an “ignorant hayseed,” the nerve! Yet when Wade’s Hugo accent surfaced from behind a mask that wasn’t his own, social media grew excited while anticipating bad news for the white supremacists of Cyclops.

After all, Wade’s whereabouts were the subject of great speculation.

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