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Martin Scorsese’s Daughter Executed The Perfect Marvel-Themed Troll Job On Christmas

Martin Scorsese’s Daughter Executed The Perfect Marvel-Themed Troll Job On Christmas

Legendary director Martin Scorsese has made no secret of his distaste for Marvel movies. Granted, he’s not the only filmmaker who feel this way, but The Irishman helmer spent a good few months dropping quotes about MCU being theme-park-esque with a fair amount of doubling and tripling down (and even penning a New York Times column on the subject) in the aftermath. And that’s okay! These movies aren’t for everyone, but Scorsese also must realize that he’ll bear some form of consequence for his viewpoint, no matter how inconsequential, or funny.

Well, Marty’s daughter, Francesca, decided to troll her father on Christmas by wrapping his gifts in Marvel-themed paper, and she took the opportunity to spread the joy on Instagram, where she recently posted a selfie with her dad in the picture. Francesca shared an image on her Instagram stories that revealed Thor and Captain America and Hulk wrapping paper with the following caption: “Look what I’m wrapping my dad’s Xmas gifts in.” Naturally, she included a laughing emoji.

— chris quinn (@chrisvonquinn) December 25, 2019

Goodness. Much respect to Francesca, regardless of Marvel Studios subject matter or not, because only a daughter can manage to troll a dad in such an expert way. I like to imagine that Marty made this face when he saw the gift pile in question:

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