To help Marvel fans pass the time as large swaths of the population is trapped indoors, director James Gunn hosted a Quarantine Watch Party (organized by Brandon Davis of on Twitter for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2. on Thursday night. Not only did Gunn live-tweet hilarious and insightful behind-the-scene facts, but he also spent hours graciously fielding questions about the fan-favorite sequel. In fact, he’s still answering them as of the writing, but to save you the time of sifting through Gunn’s entire Twitter account, here are some of the best takeaways from the GOTG Vol 2. Watch Party.
The Mary Poppins Line Was Almost R-Rated
One of the favorite and most quotable lines from the film is when Yondu (Michael Rooker) and Peter Quill/Star-Lord (Chris Pratt) are slowly descending from an exploding ship. When Quill notices that Yondu looks like a certain British nanny with his arm extended like he’s holding an umbrella, Yondu yells out, “I’m Mary Poppins, y’all!”
Well, it turns out that line almost came out very differently.
— James Gunn (@JamesGunn) April 24, 2020
Kurt Russell Could Not Get Star-Lord’s Name Right
Landing Kurt Russell to play Quill’s dad Ego was a huge get for both Gunn and Pratt, who couldn’t believe they scored a chance to work with the legendary actor. But as filming began, Russell apparently struggled with saying the characters’ names, specifically the most important one.