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Trevor Noah Is Comparing Trump’s Second Impeachment Trial To A Michael Bay Movie

Trevor Noah Is Comparing Trump’s Second Impeachment Trial To A Michael Bay Movie

As the opening arguments of Donald Trump‘s second impeachment trial (a historic first) got underway on Wednesday, The Daily Show host Trevor Noah couldn’t help but notice that this latest offense was following in the footsteps of Hollywood sequels by “turning things up to 11.” While Trump’s first impeachment trial centered on a recorded phone call of Trump threatening to withhold military aid to Ukraine if its president didn’t interfere with the 2020 presidential election by announcing an investigation into Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden, Trump’s second impeachment involves a siege on the Capitol building prompting Noah to employ the use of machine gun sounds and explosions while equating the whole thing with a Michael Bay movie.

“The original impeachment was like, ‘Listen to this diplomat describe a phone call as you ponder the meaning of quid pro quo,” Noah joked. “But this impeachment is like ’Michael Bay presents — bum, bum, bum! — ‘Impeachment 2: We’re Storming The Capitol!'”

Noah also took aim at Trump’s impeachment attorney Bruce Castor whose weird, rambling opening remarks were so nonsensical that it caused the “Chewbacca defense” from South Park to trend on Twitter. “Trump’s lawyer is giving the speech you give when have you have to stall because the actual lawyer is stuck in traffic,” Noah quipped before noting the frustrating fact that it doesn’t matter what Castor says because Republicans in the Senate aren’t going to convict Trump. “He could get up there and trim his pubes for hours because the jury has already reached its verdict,” Noah said.

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