By now, you likely agree (from personal experience) that Zack Snyder’s Justice League cut was vastly superior to Joss Whedon’s theatrical cut. Yet the HBO Max-streamed upgrading did arrive with a price: four hours of viewers’ time. Many people felt that this runtime was worth it, given that character development was suddenly a thing (and Cyborg’s backstory functioned as the heart of the film), but still, this was, as former SNL cast member Leslie Jones put it, a #longassmovie.
Yep, Jones came through for everyone and did her usual epic superhero movie thing by live-tweeting the action. Her joyous reactions were infectious, and she was all of us while observing that while the action scenes worked well — “WARRIORS!! I’m losing my shit!” — her eye kept floating down to the runtime left on the movie: “And I still got 3 hours 30 minutes and forty-fiive seconds mfs!! #longassmovie”