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‘I Hope He… Breaks His F*cking Neck’: Mickey Rourke Recalled A Harrowing Story An Ex Told Him About Her Meeting With Bill Cosby At His Home

‘I Hope He… Breaks His F*cking Neck’: Mickey Rourke Recalled A Harrowing Story An Ex Told Him About Her Meeting With Bill Cosby At His Home

(Warning: This story contains explicit details of sexual assault)

Following the news that Bill Cosby was released from prison after serving less than three years of a three-to-10-year sentence for aggravated indecent assault, Mickey Rourke told a lengthy story on Instagram about the disgraced comedian.

The incident didn’t happen to him, but rather, his girlfriend at the time. “Over 20 yrs ago i was dating a young girl, I believe she just turned 19 and we just start to going out. And one night when she was sleeping over in my house in the morning i woke up because I heard her crying,” he wrote. “I had no idea why and the more i kept asking her what was wrong the more severe she started to cry harder and harder.” She eventually revealed that her modeling agency sent her to a “celebrity event.” That’s where she met Cosby.

“She expressed to Cosby that she was thinking about taking acting classes and was hoping 1 day she’d become an actress,” Rourke wrote. The Cosby Show star said he could help her achieve her dream, but only if “you give me your phone number and i give you mine and 1 day this week and you can come over and have dinner with me and my wife and i can help you with getting into the acting business.” Rourke continued:

A few days later in the evening she went to Cosby’s house by herself, he answered the door walked her into the living room, one of the first things he said to her was my wife’s not here right now, she had some sort of business to attend to. They began to have dinner together and talk about acting, he said let me get us a lil wine and she said no thank you, i am not drinking. When he got back from the kitchen he had one glass of wine for himself and 1 for her and he said let’s make a toast for your future career and as the minutes past he continue to encourage her to drink more and more wine.

Fifteen minutes later, she began to feel lightheaded and frightened “because she didn’t feel her normal self. She finally said I need to go home, I don’t feel ok and he was taking her hand and pushing her and said you gonna be ok, you need to relax.” When she continued to say that she wanted to leave, Cosby stood up and pushed her back down, telling her, “You have to stay here, you gonna be fine.”

Then from behind he reached his hands down and started to grab her breast then she got frightened and when she stood up she was lil wobbling, he then grab her around her waist and put her down on the floor and got on the top of her, then tearfully with much fear she said what are you doing why are you doing this to me. He just smiled and said come on you gonna like this.

She was able to get away from Cosby and ran out the door, but he “tackled her from behind, then he got on [top] of her and he was sitting on her stomach and he tried to pin her arms to the ground. She then was screaming and he was trying to cover her mouth somehow she got up and got into her car.” After she recounted the story to Rourke, he asked if she told anyone about what happened. Her answer: “Who’d believe me, he is a big famous star and i’m nobody.” Rourke reached out to her about three years ago when dozens of women came forward to discuss being assaulted by Cosby and was reminded of her story this week after his conviction was overturned.

“He used to he rich and famous but now he’s just a rapist living in shame but when you can do such horrible things to so many I don’t believe these kind of people live with empathy guilt or shame,” he wrote. “I hope when he’s walking down the stairs in his house he falls and breaks his fucking neck.” You can read the full Instagram post below.

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