Cryptocurrency and the non-fungible artwork purchased with it has been the talk of the Internet in 2021. Though crypto had been around for years, its rising and falling slipped into the mainstream conversation thanks to Elon Musk and others going viral and bringing new evangelicals into the fold.
There have been a lot of tie-ins with crypto and other entities as the space continues to grow, starting with the explosion of NFTs. But now we’re also seeing specific coins minted with pop culture references in mind. So perhaps it’s not surprising that The Office is now among those shows.
Leslie David Baker teamed up with Rocket Bunny to make Stanley’s Nickels, a reference to his character on The Office. If you’d like to hear Baker describe the coin and try to figure it out for yourself, you can hear him read a script explaining the coin, how it works, and some potential benefits from owning nickels for yourself.
✅ Coingecko
✅ Multiple celebrity endorsements
✅ Upcoming #meme contest with $2200 in prizes
✅ New video from @TheLeslieDBaker$Bunny $Pbom #RBE #pocketswap #Cryptocurency #amcstock