Following Monday night’s all-out red carpet premiere, the first reactions to Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings are flying in. The overwhelming consensus is that the film truly delivers in the action department, but it also surprises in delivering a family drama that gets surprisingly dark for a Marvel movie. Simu Liu also gets some nice shout-outs as a new Avengers team begins to come together for Phase 4 of the MCU.
“Shang-Chi And The Legend Of The Ten Rings is PHENOMENAL,” Wendy Lee Szany of the Hollywoods Critic Association writes. “Get hyped. Even fight scene/action sequence is better than the last. @SimuLiu fully embraces the marvel superhero role. Amazing imagery. Killer soundtrack. You’ll want to see this on the big screen.”
— Wendy Lee Szany (@WendyLeeSzany) August 17, 2021
#ShangChi is an absolute triumph, unexpectedly spiritual and emotionally complex, with some of the very best action in the MCU,” Drew Taylor writes. “@SimuLiu is your new favorite Avenger and the movie’s myriad influences (everything from Jackie Chan to Hayao Miyazaki) pay off big time). Astounding.”