Earlier this year Apple TV+ dropped the limited series Platonic, which reunited Neighbors couple Seth Rogen and Rose Byrne. The two were a fantastic pair the first time they teamed up, for the Neighbors films, and for their second they decided to do things a bit differently: Instead of playing spouses, they were, well, just really, really good friends. The results were so charming that people demanded more, despite it, again, being a one-off. So any word on that Yes and no.
Rogen and Byrne recently spoke to The Hollywood Reporter, who asked them, point blank, if there were would be Season 2, the whole “limited series” classification be damned.
“Yeah, it looks like we’re going to do more,” Rogen replied.
Alas, following Rogen’s positive response was a more pragmatic editor’s note, pointing out that Apple TV+ has not confirmed more Platonic is en route.
Rogen admitted that he was simply being practical, if not paranoid, about wanting to do more Platonic before it was even seen by the public:
“Honestly, we had talked about it during the first season, but I get really nervous about how it’s going to be received. I’m not a count-your-eggs-before-they-hatch guy. I’ve done that thing where I drive around Friday night of opening weekend for my movies and go to the theaters and there’s no one in them. I really just wanted to see if we were happy with it when it came out — and if everyone else was happy with it. I was kind of nervous about how high my standards were for what we were doing, and I wanted to make sure that we could actually do it. And then once I saw that we could, I was like, “OK, we should keep doing it.
So if you liked Platonic, or simply enjoy how Byrne, a serious thespian who’s proven herself skilled at comedy, and Rogen, a comic actor who’s a pretty good serious thespian himself, there’s (probably, maybe) going to be more of them together.